- General → Editors → Text Editors → Spelling
- Enable spell checking: Uncheck
- Apply
- C/C++ → Build → Settings
- Discovery
- CDT Cross GCC Build-in Compiler Settings :
- arm-none-eabi-${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}" @${ProjDirPath}/output/${ConfigName}/compile_flags_c.txt
- CDT Cross GCC Build-in Compiler Settings :
- Apply
- Discovery
- C/C++ → Code Analysis
- Uncheck all
- Apply
- C/C++ → Code Style → Formatter
- New
- Profile name: BSD/Allman [ubinos]
- Initialize settings with the following profile: BSD/Allman [built-in]
- Open the edit dialog now: Check
- OK
- Profile BSD/Allman [ubinos]
- Indentation
- Tab policy: Space only
- Line Wrapping
- Maximum line width: 160
- 'enum' declaration
- Force split, even if line is shorter than maximum width: check
- New Lines
- before empty state: uncheck
- OK
- Indentation
- Profile BSD/Allman [ubinos]
- Apply
- New
- C/C++ → Indexer
- Indexer options
- Index source files not included in the build: Uncheck
- Index unused headers: Uncheck
- Allow heuristic resolution of includes: Uncheck
- Apply
- Indexer options
파일 메뉴의 "Import"를 선택해 프로젝트를 이클립스에 등록한다.
프로젝트 생성 방법은 "시작 안내서 - 소스 코드 가져오기"에서 설명한다.
- Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace
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- Select <project directory>
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